Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Garlic - Getting the basics right

Garlic is sometimes described as easy to grow, but that does not mean that you can plant your garlic cloves just anywhere and then they look after themselves until harvest time. This post discusses what to do to make your garlic really happy, so you maximise your chances of a great harvest.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Tasmanian Veggie Seed Suppliers

Find out where to buy reliable veggie garden seeds that are proven performers in Tasmania’s unique climate and soils. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Thinning Fruit: why, when and how

The end of November is the perfect time to thin the fruit on your fruit trees if you have not already done so. You may think 'but why should I?' and 'won't the wind do the thinning for me?' This blog post explains why thinning is the way to go.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Automating your Irrigation

Tired of watering your garden by hand? Want to keep your food garden well-watered while you are away? After decades of this time-consuming gardening activity, I decided to automate the task, and found that with today's technology it is totally achievable and affordable for home gardeners. Here is what I learned.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Food Gardens and Wildlife

Most food gardeners realise that the land they live on would have been or still is part of Tasmanian wildlife's habitat, and that therefore it is not unreasonable to share some of the food you grow. In most cases, however, sharing with wildlife means that you get nothing, so establishing clear boundaries is the only way to grow food and enjoy the fruits of your work. This blog post discusses effective fencing options that will make growing food wherever you live in Tasmania completely feasible!

Rosalie's food garden enclosure at South Hobart (Dec21)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Success with Blueberries

We have had blueberries in our garden for many years, but in the last few years they haven't done so well, so I decided try and find out why, learn from those whose blueberries have been an ongoing success, and start a brand-new blueberry patch. Here is what I learnt.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Brassica snapshot

In early April it was time for me to plant my winter crop of brassicas. Here I tell you what I did, and what I didn' t do, and why, adding some thoughts about planting seedlings along the way. Those who want to know more about sowing and planting vegetable seedlings might find this snapshot of what I did that afternoon a useful read.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Large Tomatoes on Show!

Would you love to grow large tomatoes, but wonder which good-tasting varieties do well in Tasmania? This blog post shows the varieties that Food Garden Group members put forward for the 2024 Golden Tomato Award, a description of the variety, and where to get seeds and seedlings if commercially available.

Ross T. picked this 560 gram fruit in his garden on 18Feb24